Safeguard Your Secrets and Sensitive Information with Secret Scanning
At Plerion, we always strive to increase our users' security and privacy. That is why we are excited to announce the addition of Secret Scanning to our platform.
Secret Scanning is a powerful new feature that allows you to quickly identify secrets and sensitive information in your code. It is designed to identify potential security risks and allow users to take action.
With Secret Scanning, you can ensure that your code is secure by uncovering any secrets that may be inadvertently included. It will detect secrets such as API keys, passwords, or other credentials that should not be exposed.
With this new feature, you can rest assured that your code remains secure and confidential. Plerion makes it easy for you to safeguard your secrets and sensitive information.
We hope this new feature will make it easier for our customers to ensure their code is secure and their privacy is protected. Try Secret Scanning today and take the first step towards safeguarding your secrets and sensitive information.